"If You Want to Find a Solution, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT."

Raising money by running half marathons, canyon hiking, or hosting her annual Kentucky Derby party, Dr. Elizabeth Zide’s energy and dedication to supporting NETRF’s research mission are boundless.
“I’ve been pretty fortunate. Relying on my medical expertise coupled with my amazing care team, I’ve been living pretty well with this disease since 2018,” says Dr. Zide.
Her lifestyle is the model of health and wellness. She eats an organic farm-to-table diet, swings kettlebells, and practices nutrition-based holistic medicine. Even still, she is among the thousands of Americans diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor.
“As a practicing physician, I know that ongoing patient education and research are the keys to unlocking the mystery of NETs. NETRF is the leading funder of NET research and produces exceptional patient education resources, so I will continue to run a half marathon and don a fancy fascinator to raise critical funds to support their work. If I want to benefit from the discoveries, I need to be part of the process.”
Since 2018, Elizabeth, along with her family and her community, has raised more than $41,000 for NETRF.
“When I was first diagnosed my kids were young. It was hard to explain to them what I was facing when I didn’t really look sick. But we’ve always dealt with my cancer as a family; I need to be the example to them that if you want to find a solution, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.”