About our Research

Our approach to finding a cure

NETRF is the leading non-profit organization supporting neuroendocrine cancer research, worldwide. We are committed to funding the most promising research in order to discover cures and more effective treatments for neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), which includes both neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). Our research grants support the work of leading scientists at renowned research institutions, around the world.

Transforming the research landscape

Each year we seek proposals from investigators with the tools to study NENs in innovative and transformative ways. From trying to decipher the molecular underpinnings of NENs, to creating mini-organs for drug screening or new radionuclide therapies, our investigators are working hard to ensure better outcomes for patients.

Meaningful studies with leading scientists

Rigorous scientific review and timely processes allow us to identify and fund projects that have the most promise. We also recognize that taking risks in funding research is crucial to driving progress. We are proud to have the flexibility to fund several exploratory, proof-of-concept projects, each year. Search our funded projects.

Our research portfolio includes basic, translational, and clinical projects. We are proud of the scientific and clinical impact our portfolio has yielded. Learn more about our impact and outcomes here.

A collaborative environment for exploration

To bolster the field of NEN research, we encourage collaboration between scientists and institutions with our grants program. In addition, we invite researchers to an annual research symposium where they can share ideas, resources, and solutions with one another. 

NETRF Leadership

Experts in neuroendocrine tumor research and treatment help shape NETRF’s research goals and strategies. The Foundation’s Board of Directors, which includes both neuroendocrine tumor patients and family members, oversees and approves the research program.

Board of  Scientific Advisors

A deeply committed Board of Scientific Advisors (BOSA), comprised of highly respected leaders in the cancer field, provides scientific direction by offering independent, expert advice.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors (BOD) is deeply committed to advancing the science and treatment of neuroendocrine cancer in pursuit of our mission.

The essential role NETRF plays in funding research

Promoting collaboration among disciplines and institutions

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