2020 Virtual Research Symposium Videos

The 2020 NETRF Virtual Research Symposium was held online on November 19-20, 2020. The meeting had 325 attendees and included close to 70 presentations by NET researchers from around the world. Oral presentations were divided into six general NET research areas. Each of the 28 talks was followed by a Q&A period, and each session ended with a panel discussion that included session speakers and invited NET experts. Please click on any session(s) you would like to see. We also provide access to download Speaker-cited literature, click on the buttons below to see the published papers relevant to the presented work that were kindly provided by the speakers.

Session 1: 

Introductions; Genetics, Epigenetics and Molecular Mechanisms

Session Chair:

Dawn E. Quelle, PhD

Session 2: 

Clinical and Therapeutic Strategies

Session Chair:

George Fisher, MD, PhD

Session 3: 

Imaging and Theranostics


Session Chair:

Lisa Bodei, MD, PhD

Session 4: 

Advances in NET Models

Session Chair:

Ramesh Shivdasani, MD, PhD

Session 5: 

Tumor Biology

Session Chair:

James Bibb, PhD

Session 6: 

Tumor Microenvironment

Session Chair:

Anil Rustgi, MD

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