Project title: Novel antibody-drug conjugate for pancreatic NET targeted therapy
Renata Jaskula-Sztul, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine

- Status: Completed
- Year(s): 2018
- Grant Type: Collaborative
- Research Type: Translational
- Primary Tumor Site: Pancreas
- Area of Inquiry: Signaling/drug targets
- Article/Video: Click Here
- Also seen in November 2018 eUpdate
Based on this award, they established multiple preclinical models, such as patient-derived ex vivo models and metastatic xenograft mouse models, to evaluate the NET treatment with their antibody-drug conjugate. Additionally, this award allowed them to develop their own new SSTR2 monoclonal antibody. This novel platform can deliver small molecule drugs directly to SSTR2 expressing NET cells avoiding systemic cytotoxicity.
Additional Details
- City: Birmingham
- State: Alabama
- Grant Duration: 2 years
- Grant Partner: North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (NANETS)
NETRF funds laboratory research to understand the development of neuroendocrine tumors and translational research to explore new concepts in treatment. Research grant descriptions and research updates from NETRF are not intended to serve as medical advice. It can take years for research discoveries to be fully validated and approved for patient care. Always consult your health care providers about your treatment options.