Fundraising Events
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Fundraising events are a thoughtful and meaningful way to gather a community around a family who is dealing with a NET diagnosis. The power of support and connectedness can strengthen hope and relay the feelings that neighbors, and friends are actively ‘doing something,’ to help a patient and family during a difficult time in their lives while raising funds for a worthy cause. Events take some planning, a core group of committed volunteers, and the inspiration to partner with community members and make a difference!

Whether a walkathon, bike ride, or golf tournament, NETRF has been fortunate to benefit from many events. We enjoy connecting with patients, families, and friends from around the country to lend a hand to support these wonderful activities.
The staff at NETRF would like to hear about your event ideas. We are ready to answer questions and brainstorm on how to make your event a reality. We would be happy to promote your event on our website with a calendar listing and also a fundraising page.
To help promote your effort, we can supply materials such as bracelets, pens, bags, and collateral materials for your event. If you have an interest in organizing an event to benefit NETRF, let us know!
We are here to help sort out your planning and provide suggestions to make sure your event is a meaningful success! Visit our website, and complete the event form and let’s get you on your way to promoting NETRF and raising important funds for NET research.