Research Portfolio
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Diverse and ambitious projects
NETRF is pursuing multiple paths to discover improved treatments for NENs. We have an evolving portfolio of diverse basic, translational, and clinical projects, covering a plethora of challenging but crucial research areas within NETs.
We focus on ideas that will give us tangible results, and have translational potential, while also investing in areas that have direct impact on patients’ lives (theranostics – PRRT) and/or have been successfully applied in other types of cancers (CAR T-cell therapy).
We continue to build on past successes in areas such as genetics/epigenetics (e.g. DAXX/ATRX mutations) and work on creating tools for the entire community (e.g. organoid/spheroids, cell lines, mouse models, patient-derived xenograft models).
We have a long-standing interest in understanding the molecular basis of NENs, and the mechanisms that drive tumor initiation and progression. We fund proposals that suggest innovative ways to study NENs in the absence of conventional models, as well as proposals to create new or optimize existing experimental models. We have the ability to fund small clinical and adaptive studies, studies of therapeutic sequencing, as well as correlative studies that may build upon existing clinical trials.
Our portfolio includes research aimed at understanding NEN genetics and epigenetics, and deciphering its molecular and cellular basis to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited to interrupt NEN development/progression. We wish to understand the immune microenvironment and exploit technologies that will trigger an immune response; develop reliable disease models for laboratory experiments to discover new drug targets, improve the safety and efficacy of potential treatments, identify new drug targets, and discover diagnostic/prognostic markers that can guide clinical treatments.
For more information about our research Program
Please email the Director of Research at
The latest in NETRF News

A New Treatment Option for NET Patients
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved cabozantinib for the treatment of previously

Early Positive Signs in CAR T Cell Therapy Trial
Chimeric Therapeutics is reporting early signs of efficacy in the world’s first clinical trial of

NETRF Grantees Recognized for their Expertise at ENETS
Neuroendocrine cancer researchers from around the world gathered in Krakow, Poland for the 22nd Annual