Coming Soon!
Monday, October 28th:
Location: Fenway Foyer, Hotel Commonwealth
5:00-6:00PM: Registration
6:00-8:00PM: Welcome Reception & Poster Session
Tuesday, October 29th:
Location: Fenway Ballroom, Hotel Commonwealth
8:00-9:00AM – Breakfast & Registration
9:00-9:05AM – Welcome
9:05-9:35AM – Keynote and Distinguished Service Award Presentation – Viewing intestinal NETs through the lens of normal human enteroendocrine cell differentiation
Ramesh Shivdasani, MD, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School with Introduction by Chrissie Thirlwell, MBBS, PhD
9:35-9:45AM – Patient Voice
Elaine Nord
SESSION 1: NEN Screens & Omics
Session Chairs: Chrissie Thirlwell, MBBS, PhD, University of Bristol Medical School and Sharon Gorski, PhD, BC Cancer

Chrissie Thirlwell, MBBS, PhD

Sharon Gorski, PhD
9:45-10:00AM – Comprehensive Genomic Profiling of an International Patient Cohort Reveals Diagnostic and Prognostic Signatures for Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
Aatur Singhi, MD, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
10:00-10:15AM – Assessment of the current and emerging criteria for the histopathological classification of lung neuroendocrine tumours in the lungNENomics project.
Matthieu Foll, PhD, International Agency for Research on Cancer
10:15-10:30AM – Defining the transcriptomic profile of enterochromaffin cells in SI-NET patients
Netta Mäkinen, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
10:30-10:45AM – Discussion
10:45-11:15AM – Coffee Break
11:15-11:30AM – Targeting the surfaceome of drug tolerant persister cell populations in extrapulmonary high-grade neuroendocrine carcinomas
C. Allison Stewart, PhD, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
11:30-11:45AM – Simplifying NEN tissue and liquid diagnostics using novel and existing general neuroendocrine cell markers
Neil Renwick, MD, PhD, Queen’s University
11:45-12:00PM – A Systematic NEN Spheroid Drug Screen Reveals a Novel Drug Resistance Mechanism in Small Bowel NETs
Po Hien Ear, PhD, University of Iowa
12:00-12:15PM – Discussion
12:15-1:45PM – Lunch & Group Photo
SESSION 2: NEN Tumor microenvironment
Session Chairs: James Bibb, PhD, University of Arizona Medical School - Phoenix and Iacovos Michael, PhD, Sunnybrook Research Institute

James Bibb, PhD

Iacovos Michael, PhD
1:45-2:00PM – Estrogen Receptor alpha inhibition increases 177Lu-DOTATATE efficacy in a pre-clinical neuroendocrine tumor model
Xavier Keutgen, MD, University of Chicago
2:00-2:15PM – Spatial and temporal intratumor heterogeneity of Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Jérôme Cros, MD, PhD, INSERM, Université Paris Cité
2:15-2:30PM – TILs from panNET liver metastasis: in search of novel adoptive transfer strategies for the treatment of NETs
Mauro Cives, MD, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
2:30-2:45PM – Immunosuppressive myeloid signaling in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors revealed by single-nucleus RNA-seq
Jeanna Qiu, AB, Harvard Medical School
2:45-3:00PM – Spatial profiling of the pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor microenvironment
Christopher Heaphy, PhD, Boston University School of Medicine
3:00-3:15 – Discussion
3:15-3:45PM – Coffee Break
SESSION 3: early career lightning talks
Session Chairs: Talya Dayton, PhD, EMBL Barcelona, and Christopher Heaphy, PhD, Boston University School of Medicine

Talya Dayton, PhD

Christopher Heaphy, PhD
3:45-4:15PM – Lightning Talks:
- Preliminary Analysis of the Whole Exome Sequencing data of 16 cases with Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia for Classification as Diffuse Idiopathic Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia (DIPNECH)
Hui Yu, MD, PhD, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus - Does sexual dimorphism play a role in SI-NET and mesenteric disease development?
Maria Martins, MSc, University College London - Epigenetic regulation of tumor metastasis in SI-NETs
Elham Barazeghi, PhD, Uppsala University - Reconstructing the evolutionary history of neuroendocrine tumor subtypes
Nicolas Alcala, PhD, International Agency for Research on Cancer - Preliminary results of the COPPER PET in NET Trial: a randomized, crossover, readers blind, phase 0/I study comparing 61Cu-NODAGA-LM3 and 68Ga-DOTATOC for the detection of Neuroendocrine Tumors
Guillaume Nicolas, MD, University Hospital Basel - Identifying Regulators of GEP-NET Metastasis with in vivo CRISPR Screen
William You, HBSc, Sunnybrook Research Institute
4:15-4:30PM – Discussion
4:30-4:35PM – Pheo Para Alliance Travel Award Presentation
4:35-5:30PM – Extended Poster Viewing & Happy Hour
5:30PM – End of Day
Wednesday October 30th:
Location: Fenway Ballroom, Hotel Commonwealth
8:00-9:00AM – Breakfast & Registration
9:00-9:05AM – Welcome
9:05-9:15AM – Patient Voice
“Get Busy Living,” Carrie Camino, NETRF Board of Directors
SESSION 4: NEN Therapies & Resistance mechanisms
Session Chairs: Mauro Cives, MD, University of Bari "Aldo Moro" and Amanda Wasylishen, PhD, University of Cincinnati

Mauro Cives, MD

Amanda Wasylishen, PhD
9:15-9:30AM – Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) Trogocytosis from CDH17CAR T Cells to Tumor Cells Is Crucial for Assessing CAR T Antitumor Activity
Xianxin Hua, MD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
9:30-9:45AM – A novel hormone based anti-SSTR bispecific T-cell engager for the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors
Eleonora Pellé, MD, Moffitt Cancer Center
9:45-10:00AM – Deciphering the responses and resistance to anti-angiogenic therapies in PanNET liver metastases
Minah Kim, PhD, Columbia University
10:00-10:15AM – Elucidating the Role of HMGB3 during the Progression and Response to Radiation Therapy of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Iacovos Michael, PhD, Sunnybrook Research Institute
10:15-10:30AM – Expression of bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) proteins in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and mechanistic implications of BET BD1- and BD2-selective inhibition
Omair Shariq, MD, PhD, University of Oxford
10:30-10:45AM – What drives radiation response to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy? Insights from whole genome and exome sequencing of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Emma Boehm, MD, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
10:45-11:00AM – Proteogenomic characterization of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors uncovers hypoxia and immune signature enrichment in clinically aggressive subtypes
Michael Roehrl, MD, PhD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
11:00-11:15AM – Discussion
11:15-11:45AM – Coffee Break & Grab Lunch Box
SESSION 5: nen models & Progression mechanisms
Session Chair: Dawn Quelle, PhD, University of Iowa and Eleonora Pellé, MD, Moffitt Cancer Center

Dawn Quelle, PhD

Eleonora Pellé, MD
11:45-12:00PM – DNA methylation alterations in small intestinal neuroendocrine tumours reveal candidate drivers and independent epigenetic evolution
Chrissie Thirlwell, MBBS, PhD, University of Bristol Medical School
12:00-12:15PM – Using patient-derived tumor organoids to uncover mechanisms of pulmonary NET progression
Talya Dayton, PhD, European Molecular Biology Lab (EMBL), Barcelona
12:15-12:30PM – Cellular and molecular diversity of human pulmonary neuroendocrine cells
Christin Kuo, MD, Stanford University
12:30-12:45PM – The Daxx/Atrx/H3.3 epigenetic regulatory axis in cell state regulation and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor suppression
Amanda Wasylishen, PhD, University of Cincinnati
12:45-1:00PM – Exploring the role of a novel adrenomedullary stem cell population in pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma tumourigenesis
Yasmine Kemkem, PhD, King’s College London
1:00-1:15PM – Development of innovative in vitro and in vivo patient-derived cancer models for translational studies in G1/G2 gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Yi Liu, PhD, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
1:15-1:30PM – Discussion
1:30-1:45PM – Close of Meeting
Dawn Quelle, PhD, University of Iowa