NETRF Giving Societies 2023

We are deeply grateful to our incredible donor community. We thank the members of our NETRF Giving Societies, dedicated individuals who have consistently supported our cause. They form the backbone of our foundation, whose unwavering support and generosity have driven research progress, bringing us closer to finding cures and improved treatments for neuroendocrine cancer patients.


The Founders Society: 15+ years

The Founders Society represents the visionary leaders of NETRF, whose steadfast support for 15 years or more has been instrumental in building the foundation of neuroendocrine cancer research. Their generous contributions have fueled groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in the field. We are deeply grateful for their enduring commitment, which has helped shape NETRF into what it is today. We celebrate this special partnership and express our profound gratitude for their exemplary philanthropy.

James Beatty
Karen Bopp & Elliott McEntee
Jeanette Concilio
Anne Doyle and James Stock
Dori Haas

Steve* & Lisa Kaufer
Ed Peine
Victor Rhodes
Melissa Suman
Philip and Judith Wolf


The Champion Society: 10-14 years

The Champions Society honors our dedicated donors of 10-14 years. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each of them for their unwavering support. Their generosity has been integral to the advancements in neuroendocrine cancer research that we have achieved, and they will continue to be the cornerstone of NETRF’s future

Carol Abrams and Steve Orlovitz
Paul Anderson
Dana Asher and Scott Reiner
Jonathan and Cara Baker
Mark and Cindy Blotner
Deborah Carroll
John Caruso
Joe Castrovinci and Gordon Smith
Russell and Gloria Cipolla
Harvey and Mary Beth Cody
Lesley and Ronnie Compton
Dale and Carol Conklin
David and Ruth Dahl
Vicki Dailey and Carla Flaim
Karen Davies
Karen Denison
James Eisner
Jane Eisner
Samuel Farnell
John and Anne Farrell
Nicole Feeley
Michelle Ferritto
Jerome and Ruth Firsty
Wayne Firsty
Jennifer Flaniken
Gary and Barbara Fraser
Robert Frick
Tamar Fruchtman
Gary Gasperich
Todd* and Terry Gilman
Paul Godlewski
Charles Goldberg
Loretta and Thomas Gordon
Samuel Greenfield and Patricia Jackson
Brian Harris
John Harris

Lois Hirt
Susan Holzman
Steven and Diane Hucik
Louis and Monica Kaplan
Mary Keating
Petra Kernahan
David Levine
Vera and Mel Levine
Joseph Li*, M.D.
Ted and Susan McCullough
Diane and David Morgan
Judith and Steven Myers
Richard Nathan
Martin and Leean Nemeroff
Lynn Osband and Steve Dick
James Panagis, M.D. and Therese Panagis
Bill and Marisa Panagis
Scott Passet
Don and Susan Pine
Harry Proudfoot
Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation
Erica Roberts
William Sellers, M.D.
Jason and Helen Seltzer
John Shure
Nick Vantzelfde and Lauren Erb
James and Marianne Walter
Ed and Sandra Webb
Nancy and Dan Witeck
Michelle and David Wolf-Bloom
Dean Zarras and Kirstin Townsend
Zeldin Family Foundation
Deborah and Wayne Zuckerman
Julie and David Zvara


The Advocate Society: 5-9 years

The Advocates Society honors our dedicated donors of 5-9 years. We extend our deepest gratitude to each member. Together, they have played a crucial role in advancing neuroendocrine cancer research and shaping the future of treatment. As they continue their support, they will become the future Champions and Founders of NETRF.

Andrew Abler
Jeanie Adkins-Peine
Africrest Properties
Michael and Sheryl Anania
Jeanne and Anthony Anastasi
Sandra Anderson
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Susan and Alan Apter
Kristin Athey
Jennifer Bachman
George Ball
Barbara Bradley Baekgaard Family Foundation
Gino Barra
Marla Barto
Anthony Barton
Yvonne Baughman
David and Claudia Beechuk
Sarina Behera
Mary and Joseph Bellew
Norman and Sandra Bennett
Murat Biterge
David Blackwood
Jesse Blackwood
Stephen* and Nicole Blackwood
Dan and Cindy Blakinger
Tom and Nancy Blaney
Thomas and Bettilyn Bogia
Bernard Boland
Gail Borgen
Neil and Andrea Borkowicz
Phyllis Bowen
Pamela Bowers
Karen Boyko-Gate
Jenny and Lee Bradenbaugh
Tim Branaman
Mary Lynne and Chris Bratton
Timothy Brice
Mary Brunjes
Stephanie Butler
Cindy Byers
Caldwell Arts
Nancy Celick
Shirley Chickering
Donna Clark
Katherin Cobbett
Robert Coffland
Doug Collins
Martha Conforti
Pamela Conlan
Clara Cortes
Doreen Crabtree
Bruce Cumming
Nancy Cumming
Howard Curtis
Justin and JoAnn Curtis
John Darack
Dean Paras Foundation
Marianne DelBalzo
Margaret Depopolo
Anthony Detre* and Yvette Kovats
Jody Dickey
Michael J and Sue DiStefano
John and Robin Donaghue
Constance Donely
Ace Dorlarque
Dorothy & Chester Smith Charitable Foundation
Wade Dover
Kerry and Lucy Downing
Eleanor Doyle
Maureen Drewsen
David Duling
John and Corrine Dwyer
Stephen Dwyer and Deborah Dwyer-Oshiro
Mitchell Eichen
Doris Engemann
Falconwood Foundation
Constance and Mike Farkas
Richard Farrell
Wilma Fellman
Michael Fierberg and Elyse Gellerman
Sherman Firsty
Terese and Thomas Fitzgerald
Jeanette Flaim
Lesley and Andy Flaim
Brendan* and Deborah Foley
Ralph and Lynette Foster
Eric Friedlander
Caren and Randy Friedman
Catherine Frija
Benjamin Fritchman
Nan Fuhrman
Steven Gaines
Valerie Galinskaya
Sharron Gallagher
Elizabeth Garlington
Timothy and Maria Garroutte
GE Foundation
Elyse Gellerman and Michael Fierberg
Goldhirsh-Yellin Foundation
Dianne Graeber
William Graham
Amanda Griesser
Laird Griffin
Hayden Haas and Annmarie Wazer
Hunter Haas
Robert Haight
Brian and Tiffany Hakimian
Jane Hall
Michael Hall
Adam Halvorsen
Christopher Hamlin
Steven Hannigan
Lindsey and David Hansen
Dan Hardt
Helen Harris
Lisa and Ned Haubein
Donna Hayes
Maurice Heins
Dr. Susan Helmrich and Richard Levine
Joyce Hendley and Henrik Lumholdt
Neil Henry
Donna Herrington
James and Ina Heup
Julie Hoffman
Harold Hohm
Ronald and Toby Hollander
Dorothy and Mike Holm
Nancy Holmes
Sanda Holtslag
Megan Hopkins
Elin Howe
Rosemary Hu
Albert and Marcia Hunker
Amy Hunn and Kurt Grote
John Hyatt
Laran Hyder and Sean McGarr
Henry Jackman
Diane Jackson
Glenn and Leslie Jacobs
Sanjiv Jain
Marcia James
Carol Randolph Jasmine
Johnson and Johnson
Patricia Johnson
John Jones II
Prajakta Joshi
Karpus Family Foundation
Michael and Cheryl Key
Russell and Michelle King
Donna Kline
Susan and Richard Konst
Marcia Koomen
Eli and Hadar Kramer
Kathryn Krotz
Louise Lang
Fran Langsner
Suzanne Larraway
Susan LaRue
Ari Lasker
Dr. Jan Laskowski
Elaine and Kenneth LaToza
Jonnie Laws
Stacey Lawyer

Robert and Susan LeBailly
Margaret Lee
Diane Lewandowski
Drs. Mark* and Stasha Lewis
Rachel Lewyn
Daniel Lichaw
Josephine Li-McLeod and Bruce McLeod
Jacob Lippman
Steven Lisec
Barry Litofsky
Rose Ann Littlepage
Michelle and D.J. Long
Richard Love
Suzanne Ludlow*
Lynne and Richard Kaiser Foundation
Ann Lyon
Xianda Ma
Ellen Magenheim
Josh Mailman* and Juliette Linzer
Karen and John Malechek
Robert and Jorie Malk
Ellen and Joseph Mallia
Betty and Jean Malone
Paul Maranto
Jody Marcus
Margie and Robert E. Petersen Foundation
Jess Marino
Mrs. Judy Martindale
Marvel S. Platoff Foundation
Nancy Mattson
Roger May
Clinton Mayer, III
Kristin Mazerski
Gillian McCain
Lucy McCarl
Howard McCollum
Carol McHale
Kevin and Rachel McKinnon
Julie Mebane* and Kenneth Stipanov
Simon Mendelson
Mary Metzcar and Jon Javaruski
Robert Miller
Lew and Laura Moorman
Melissa Morgan
Nancy Morrissey
John and Karen Morse
MTH Foundation
Beth Murano and Jim Ready
Charles and Pat Murphy
Eric Nakakura, M.D. and Suyi Tseng
Christine Neff
Terence and Linda Nelson
Polly Newman
Elaine Nord
Kristin O’Connor
Rolf Olson and Lisa Eder
Thomas Olson
Brian O’Neil
Mark and Christine O’Rear
Donald Osborn, Esq.
Kathy Ouellette
Kathryn Owen
Jon and Lindsay Palevsky
Michael Passet
Susan and Chip Payson
Eric Peacock
Jerry and Marilyn Petersen
Susan Pfister
Michael Phillips
Cathy Pietanza
Diane Podegracz
Jeff Ponthier
Christopher and Sheryl Poole
Jerry Porzemsky
Debra Rachman
Hossein Rad
Dale and Laurie* Rains
Kathryn Randlett
Carolynn Ranftle
Janet and William Rattazzi
Renee Rayhill
Pat Reardon
Jennifer and Randall Rednour
Jim and Ann Reed
Melissa Reese
Vera and Lang Reid
Gerard and Robin Renna
Carolyn Rex
Douglas Rex
Gary Richman and Marci Schwartz
Bettie Richmond
Joedy Riederer
Robert Riegel
Janice Roberts
Scott and Melissa Rockman
Dana Romalis and Josh Berkenwald
Christine Rowe
Karl Ryssemus
Kelly Sallinger
Dana and Alan Sato
Elizabeth and John Schneider
Harriet and Bart Schneiderman
Charles Schumann
Jocelyn and Charles Scott
Kathy and Jay Scott
Elizabeth Scully
Sandra Segall
Lela and Fred Selby
Matthew Servidio
Sheryl Silberberg
Kristan Singleton
Sidney Sirota
Heidi Smartt
Pamelia Smith-Dunaway and Price Dunaway
Carol Smurawski
Andrew Snyder
Lori Soares
Howard Solovei
Jonathan Soroff and Sam Mazzarelli
Jeffrey Spring
Tim and Carrie Stanny
Karen Steinberg
Caryn Stepner
Ronald Stewart
Carole Stuart
Philip Tharp
The Robert and Eloise Honig Charitable Foundation
Dung Thi Le, M.D.
Nanci Thibault
Ann Thornhill
Judith Tidrick
Steven Tidrick and Laurie Littlepage*, Ph.D.
Fennie and David Tolver
Doug Tough
Douglas and Margaret Tripp
Jeffrey and Letitia Tripp
University of Chicago Medicine
Christine Vecchio-Flaim
Evan Vosburgh, M.D.
Bill Wade
Helen Walker
James and Susan Watson
James and Margaret Weaver
Nina Weil
Albert Weisenfeld
Robert Wheeler
Tim Wilkinson
Werter Willis
Winn Family
Jason and Kelly Winokur
Laura Winston and Larry Fine
Ken Womack
Scott and Lana Woodcock
John Yamnicky
Chin Tsun and Quei Yu Yang
Ron Yang
Susan Yang and Lyndon Chang
Belinda Young and Ian Bartos
Karen Zaritsky
Emily Zuckerberg
Mark Zwanziger

Donor names with an * indicate a NETRF Board member.

We greatly appreciate every gift given to NETRF, and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. Please notify our team of any inaccuracies or omissions by contacting us at We regret any errors.

To learn more about NETRF Giving Societies, please contact our Development Coordinator, Laken Baird at or call us at 617-946-1780.