
Category: Blog


COMPETE Clinical Trial

A new phase III clinical trial called COMPETE (NCT03049189 ) compares everolimus, an oral targeted therapy, to PRRT with Lu-177 edotreotide, a radiopharmaceutical under development,

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A Look at Lung NETs

Approximately 20% of all primary lung tumors are neuroendocrine (Hung 2019), including: Typical carcinoid (TC) Atypical carcinoid (AC) Small cell carcinoma (SCC) Large cell carcinoma

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Staying Safe from the Flu

Living with cancer increases your risk for complications from influenza (“flu”). If you have cancer now, have had cancer in the past, or live with

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A Great Day for a Victory Lap

Almost 2 years after his NET diagnosis, Maros Felsen organizes and runs a 5K neuroendocrine cancer fundraiser. He’s proof for all that you can lead an active, meaningful, and successful life with neuroendocrine cancer.

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Biking for Debbie

Vicki Dailey organizes an annual two-state, 82-mile bikeride to honor her sister’s experience with neuroendocrine cancer to move us closer to a cure.

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Painting the Town Zebra-Striped

A small town in Maine finds its zebra stripes after two first responders and a town official succumbed to NETs since 2017. See how they are raising awareness and money for research.

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