Primary NET Site-Specific Episodes
Are you looking for more targeted information about your NET? Have you learned all the NET basics and, now, want a deeper understanding of information about your primary NET?
Beginning in August, the NETWise podcast is putting together primary site-specific episodes. NETs can arise almost anywhere in the body, but most start in the gastrointestinal tract, lung, and pancreas. The place where the NET first forms is called the primary site.
We recognize the different experiences of NET patients based on their primary NET. We plan to address these unique differences in individual episodes dedicated to lung NETs, small bowel NETs, and pancreatic NETs. We are working with NET specialists like Drs. Emily Bergsland, Aman Chauhan, Dan Halperin, Robert Ramirez, and others to put together these information-packed episodes.
If you are living with a primary NET other than what we listed above, don’t worry, we’ll eventually cover all the primary sites in special NETWise episodes.
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