NETRF welcomes two new members to its Board of Directors: Julie Mebane and Laurie Rains. Their addition expands the breadth of expertise in the Foundation’s governing body.
“These distinguished business leaders bring valuable insight and experience to NETRF in support of our pursuit of new treatments for neuroendocrine cancer,” said Elyse Gellerman, NETRF Chief Executive Officer.

Julie Mebane practices commercial real estate law as a partner at Duane Morris, LLP, San Diego, California. Active in her community, pro bono causes, and bar associations, Ms. Mebane is frequently named to published lists of leading attorneys.
Ms. Mebane says she brings a unique perspective—professionally and personally—to the Board. “So many people have never even heard of neuroendocrine cancer,” said Ms. Mebane, “As a NET patient and a person that came from a family of doctors, I understand the great need for research in this narrow kind of cancer.”
With a specific interest in emerging therapies, Ms. Mebane says she is excited to work for an organization that is working for her. “I am very interested in what is coming down the pike, which might help us to treat NETs in the future.”

Laurie Rains is Senior Vice President, U.S. Retail Services, Convenience & Liquor Channels at Nielsen, where she has helped retail companies improve sales and marketing for twenty years with data analysis and strategy development.
Ms. Rains says she hopes her professional expertise helps NETRF pursue improved diagnostic and therapeutic approaches through NET research. “Many people with NETs are diagnosed late,” she said. “People need to find out earlier about their diagnosis—before the tumor has spread—to improve their chances for successful outcomes.”
After seeing people in her life with rare diseases face lengthy delays in obtaining accurate diagnoses and treatment, Ms. Rains recognizes the need for patient advocacy and empowerment. “You have to advocate for yourself, especially when you are undiagnosed or newly diagnosed.”
The NETRF Board of Directors is comprised of eleven highly distinguished community leaders who share a commitment to discovering a cure for neuroendocrine cancer.