In March of 2005, the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation was recognized as a non-profit, 501(c)3 foundation, established by a visionary group led by patient Nancy Lindholm in Boston. In the 15 years since our small and focused organization has grown to play a major role in the search for a cure for neuroendocrine cancer. Now we are the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation (NETRF) and we are celebrating 15 years of progress!
Our focus hasn’t changed. Our mission is to fund scientific research aimed at understanding neuroendocrine tumors, developing improved treatments, and working towards cures. No other NET organization has our laser focus on funding the science, recruiting researchers to the field, and advancing the field. We’re proud that NETRF has invested more than $26 million in research. The researchers we have funded have made discoveries in the laboratory that have led to clinical trials, developed essential cell lines and tumor models, and pioneered work on ways to improve existing treatments such as PRRT.
Since neuroendocrine cancer is an uncommon, often overlooked cancer type, NETRF has also been on the front lines of patient and family education. As your needs for education have changed, our educational offerings have evolved too. In addition to our conferences, we offer podcasts, videos, a printed patient guide, and web-based materials.
During our anniversary year, NETRF will be highlighting the people and progress that have contributed to our success and the advancement of the field of NET research. We want to acknowledge our important, dedicated partners and celebrate those who have given 5, 10, and 15 years of NET research support. Stay tuned for more information about 15th Anniversary festivities.
In the meantime, our sincere thank you to everyone who has supported NETRF so we can work to improve, extend, and save lives of patients with neuroendocrine cancer.