
Category: For Patients


Depression and Cancer

It is common to feel sad, discouraged, or moody after a cancer diagnosis. You may be facing new limits on what you can do and feel anxious about treatment outcomes and the future. It may be hard to adapt to a new reality and to cope with the changes that come with the diagnosis and the demands of treatment.

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The Power of Self-Advocacy

This young PNET patient knew something was wrong, but his doctor didn’t believe him. Since this PNET patient was also an oncologist, he asserted the need for further testing to clarify the diagnosis. In a guest blog Mark Lewis, MD, shares insights on listening to your body and getting doctors to listen to you.

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Is a Clinical Trial for You?

Clinical trials are research studies that test how well new drugs, devices, or medical approaches work in people.  Through clinical trials, doctors find new ways

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Optimizing your survivorship

The experience of NETs profoundly changes people’s lives. Fatigue, isolation, worry, and bothersome physical side effects can disrupt daily activities. Here are some simple steps to maintain optimal health and balance during and after cancer care.

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