
Category: For Patients


COMPETE Clinical Trial

A new phase III clinical trial called COMPETE (NCT03049189 ) compares everolimus, an oral targeted therapy, to PRRT with Lu-177 edotreotide, a radiopharmaceutical under development,

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A Look at Lung NETs

Approximately 20% of all primary lung tumors are neuroendocrine (Hung 2019), including: Typical carcinoid (TC) Atypical carcinoid (AC) Small cell carcinoma (SCC) Large cell carcinoma

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Developing a NET Cell Line

NETRF & Broad Institute Work to Fill Research Void The lack of publicly available, reliable NET cell lines is a barrier in neuroendocrine tumor research,

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Ga-68 Dotatate PET/CT Scan for Neuroendocrine Tumors

If you’ve ever been tested for eyeglasses, you know how one lens can create grainy, foggy images and the next crisp, clear letters. That’s the kind of difference you can see between the Gallium-68 PET/CT scan and prior technology. But are these newer imaging techniques better? And who stands to benefit most from them?

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