Ancora: An Easier Way to Find a Clinical Trial

A key tenet of NETRF’s mission is to help NET patients navigate the challenges of living with NET cancer. Participating in a clinical trial can be a part of your NET journey. However, navigating and finding clinical trials can often feel like an overwhelming experience. NETRF is excited to share a resource that has made finding NET clinical trials so much easier.

Ancora is a new clinical trials finder that uses technology and a patient-first approach to ease clinical trial access, so that every neuroendocrine patient has the best chance of recovery and leading a healthy life.

Ancora provides unbiased clinical trial information by collecting information from public registries so that patients, their healthcare professionals, and their loved ones can evaluate all potential treatment options.

Special thanks to NETRF Board Member Josh Mailman and for their work with Ancora to ensure neuroendocrine cancer clinical trials are accessible to the NET community,