One hundred friends and relatives gathered to celebrate Nathan Montoya’s life on July 24, 2021, which would have been his 43rd birthday. Nathan died from neuroendocrine cancer in March, seven years after his diagnosis. The Celebration of Life in Nathan’s honor in Lakewood, Colorado, was a chance for all those who loved him to share stories, laughter, and tears. Nathan was a hairdresser and he loved to dance, laugh and spend time with his dear friends.

Sharon Montoya, Nathan’s mom, says the event offered closure to many of Nathan ‘s friends who did not have a chance to say goodbye because of COVID restrictions. Sharon and the organizers, Trish Gaudin, Heidi Klein, Kim Joggerst, Susan Terrazas, and Rosalie Torres, also wanted to honor Nathan by raising funds for Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation. “There is no better way than to raise money so those who come after him will have better treatment options and more knowledge on how to fight this disease,” Sharon says. NETRF thanks all those who donated a total of $8,500 in Nathan’s memory.
Mike Graves, an artist and close friend, designed a shirt with Nathan’s smiling face for the event. Food and beverage were provided by BrothersBBQ and Ratio Beerworks.
The great party celebrated Nathan’s life in just the way he would have wanted. “Nathan loved his friends and to see everyone here to remember him is wonderful,” Sharon Montoya told the crowd. “Thank you for loving my son.”