
This is a podcast for neuroendocrine cancer patients and caregivers that presents expert information and patient perspectives.

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Being diagnosed with an uncommon cancer like a neuroendocrine tumor (NET) can feel isolating or overwhelming.

NETWise, a podcast about neuroendocrine cancer, is here to help patients and caregivers navigate the world of NETs. Listen in as the NET Research Foundation (NETRF) speaks with experts and patients who will help us to understand NET diagnosis, treatment, and everything in between. NETWise is for everyone, from newly diagnosed patients to longtime survivors as well as caregivers and family members. This is your guide to learning, listening, knowing, and being NETWise.

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Recent episodes:

Episode 24: Gynecologic NETs

Today, we’re going to pick up again with our series looking at all possible NET primary sites, with a conversation about one of the very rarest forms of NETs – those that originate in the female reproductive organs.

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Episode 23: Parenting with NETs

As we end our mini-series about adjusting to the new normal of your life with NETs, we wanted to use an episode to highlight one of the most emotionally challenging situations that might confront a person who is newly diagnosed — learning you have cancer while you are raising children.

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Medical Disclaimer: This podcast is not intended as and shall not be relied upon as medical advice. The Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation encourages all users to discuss any information found here with their oncologist, physician, and/or appropriate qualified health professional. Listening to this podcast does not constitute a patient-physician relationship. The Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation does not represent that any information provided here should supplant the reasoned, informed advice of a patient’s oncologist, physician, or appropriate qualified health professional.