They say “you are what you eat”, and that can be a real challenge for people with neuroendocrine tumors. In this episode of NETWise, we’re going to look at all the ways that NETs interact with nutrition–how having a NET can affect your body’s ability to use nutrients properly, and how what you choose to eat can help or hurt your NET treatment and quality of life.

Learn about how neuroendocrine tumors can complicate digestion and how to identify food triggers that may cause symptoms.  You’ll hear about enzymes and supplements, and why what may be a healthy diet for some people may not be the best for people with NETs. 

You’ll hear from Devon Billings and Cindy Abel who share their stories and what they have learned about enjoying food and managing their nutrition.  

NET experts featured in this episode:

Use our episode infographics to get a visual picture of some of the things we have discussed.

Dr. Michelle Kang-Kim, 
Co-Director of the Center for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine
Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York

Leigh Anne Burns, MD, RD, LDN
Registered Dietician

Greta Macaire
Oncology Dietician/Nutritionist 
University of California, San Francisco

Special thanks to Devon Billings and Cindy Abel who shared their personal stories for this episode.