
Category: Blog


Research Spotlight: Po Hien Ear, PhD

Dr. Po Hien Ear’s research involves growing NET spheroid clusters in large enough numbers to be used to screen the potential anti-tumor properties of hundreds of therapeutic compounds.

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Join the eNET Study!

Doctors at University of California San Francisco (UCSF) are conducting the first-of-its-kind e-NET study to learn about symptoms and quality of life for patients with neuroendocrine cancer. This is your chance to become a citizen scientist and help the researchers learn more about NETs.

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Ali Azhdarinia, PhD, Recognized by AACR for NETRF-Funded Research

The American Association for Cancer Research recently recognized the NETRF-funded research of Ali Azhdarinia, PhD, of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Dr. Azhdarinia is investigating image-guided precision medicine to treat NETs in the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas that are resistant to chemotherapy.

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