Investigators & Speakers

If you are not an invited speaker or current grantee, please register as Invited Scientists and Physicians.

The deadline to register and submit your abstract is March 20.

Please review the information below and continue to registration.

2020 Symposium Travel Policy

Current NETRF grantees will need to fund their travel and accommodations through their grants. If team members also want to attend, their travel will need to be funded through the grant as well. Hotel will need to be booked through the symposium hotel reservations portal to access the NETRF room rate.

Speakers are not current NETRF grantees, contact us at in advance of booking travel.


Media Release

I hereby consent to the creation and use by the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation (NETRF), its employees, agents, successors, assigns and licensees (collectively “the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation”) of my name, likeness, picture, silhouette, and any other reproductions of my physical likeness, voice or both, in (1) the video, photograph, or audio recordings described below; and (2) any video, photograph, or audio recordings reproduced either in whole or in part from the video, photograph or audio recordings described below.

I understand that the photos and videos taken at the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Symposium and related activities on May 19 and 20, 2020 are planned to be used for posting to the NETRF website and may be exhibited, broadcast, reproduced and otherwise exploited by NETRF by any and all means, in any and all media now known and to be invented, including but not limited to print, digital, television, film, Internet and electronic media, worldwide, without notice. NETRF may edit, delete or alter all such recordings at its sole discretion.

In addition, I waive all claims to compensation, including but not limited to royalties or residual proceeds, and all claims for damages based on the use of my image or voice, or both, by NETRF or against agents used to produce said video/audio recordings or photography. I also waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph or video or audio recordings.

I agree that all such portraits, pictures, photographs, video, and audio recordings and any reproductions thereof, and all plates, negatives, recording media, and digital files shall remain the property of NETRF. I warrant that I am at least 18 years of age and that I am competent to execute this consent. I further attest that I have read this consent form and fully understand its contents and effect. This consent is irrevocable and perpetual.

Social Media Policy

To maintain a respectful, and collaborative environment where clinicians and scientists can share emerging, unpublished work, we ask that attendees of the NETRF Research Symposium respect the wishes of presenters regarding the sharing of content on social media.

  • Presenters should label any or all slides that they do not wish to be shared with “DO NOT POST.” Content so labeled should not be shared on social media.
  • All attendee photos, videos, or audio recordings should be for personal, non-commercial use. Please refrain from using flash photography during presentations.

To support a shared conversation, please reference the event hashtag (#NETRS) and NETRF social media handles in any posts.

  • NETRF Twitter: @CureNETs
  • NETRF Facebook: @NETRF
  • NETRF Research Symposium hashtag: #NETRS

Abstract Submission Form

Abstract Submission Instructions:

  • Abstracts must be submitted when you register.
  • See below for a sample formatted abstract.
  • Presenting author must be underlined on the abstract.
  • No hyperlinks or boxes.
  • File must be saved in Rich Text Format (.rtf).
  • Single spacing
  • Arial, 11 point, black font.
  • Main body of the abstract may not exceed 200 words. This does not include title, authors, and affiliations.
Sample Abstract Format:
Title of the abstract must be in bold

Presenting author first, middle initial, last name1, Co-author first, middle initial, last name2, Co-author first, middle initial, last name3., etc.
1Affilation, 2Affilation, 3Affilation, etc.

Sample abstract text, up to 200 words. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed condimentum. Quisque vel dolor ut diam ullamcorper ullamcorper. Fusce ullamcorper hendrerit mi. Proin eleifend blandit massa. Aliquam venenatis mattis urna. Ut dolor dui, imperdiet a, sodales luctus, sollicitudin at, risus. Sed scelerisque convallis lectus. Suspendisse posuere. Curabitur accumsan odio eu ipsum. Quisque arcu diam, viverra vitae, vestibulum a, consectetuer eu, sem.

Vestibulum ac sem id ante placerat ornare. Sed blandit mauris sit amet risus. Morbi pulvinar dui eget wisi. Cras faucibus mi at ligula. Nam quis augue vulputate elit consequat convallis. Mauris faucibus. Cras ipsum arcu, tincidunt eu, tristique at, ullamcorper sit amet, ipsum. Sed venenatis placerat urna. Cras viverra justo sit amet enim. Suspendisse diam elit, lobortis quis, laoreet ut, pulvinar sit amet, neque.

Continue to registration page by clicking “I agree”.