Carrie Camino Joins NETRF’s Board of Directors

Carrie Camino joined the NETRF Board of Directors in April of 2024. Carrie is a retired business consultant and partner with West Monroe Partners, where she was responsible for relationship management and service delivery for Fortune 100 companies in the life science and insurance industries. As an advisor to client boards and executives for business value creation, she led high-performance teams driving strategic growth, risk exposure and mitigation, and operational agility. She’s eager to apply her extensive business experience to support NETRF’s mission of funding research and producing exceptional patient education.

“I’m thrilled to join the board and ready to get to work! My passion for NETRF is twofold: First, I have a deep-seated passion for patient education and helping patients who are newly diagnosed and desperately searching for guidance. That initial diagnosis is terrifying and daunting, but there’s this amazing community out here ready and able to support you,” said Carrie. “Connecting patients with someone who has been where they are now is critical for patient stress and health.”  

“My second passion taps into my business background. I want to help frame compelling reasons for people to fund NETRF’s early-stage research. NETRF angel invests in solutions that have multiple potential impacts, and those solutions are being used for other cancers that can apply to neuroendocrine. The collaborative spirit of NETRF researchers is key for leveraging solutions across treatment areas, and providing treatments for neuroendocrine patients faster,” she said.

“Last year was my first opportunity to attend the annual research symposium, and I was truly just stunned by the real-time collaboration occurring in those presentations, as well as the incredible passion these researchers have. That drives potential and progress.”