Although many nonfunctional GI NETs may grow for a long time without causing signs or symptom, some nonfunctional tumors may cause signs or symptoms if the tumor blocks parts of the GI tract.
In functional GI NETs, the hormones released are usually metabolized as the blood flows from the gut to the liver. If the tumor has spread to the liver and the liver enzymes cannot destroy the extra hormones made by the tumor, high amounts of these hormones may remain in the body and cause carcinoid syndrome.
Carcinoid syndrome
The signs and symptoms of carcinoid syndrome include:
Flushing of the skin and face (without sweating)
Abdominal pain
Feeling bloated
Wheezing or other trouble breathing
Fast heartbeat
Blood pressure fluctuations
Heart murmur
Lower extremity swelling (if the hormones affect the right side of the heart and its valves)
Nonfunctional and functional nets
Learn more about functional and nonfunctional NETs in these sites.