
Category: For Researchers


Research Spotlight: Rodney Hicks, MD

Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, or PRRT, has been available as a treatment option for some forms of neuroendocrine tumors – particularly for those NETs expressing the somatostatin receptor-2 (SSTR2) protein.

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Research Spotlight: Po Hien Ear, PhD

Dr. Po Hien Ear’s research involves growing NET spheroid clusters in large enough numbers to be used to screen the potential anti-tumor properties of hundreds of therapeutic compounds.

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Milestone Achievements Announced in NET Cell Line Development

NETRF reports progress in the development of neuroendocrine tumor cell lines to help eliminate a decades-old obstacle in laboratory research. To stimulate progress in NET cell lines, NETRF established a Cell Line Prize, funded cell line research, and launched a collaboration with a nationally known research institute. Each of these initiatives has succeeded in establishing NET cell lines.

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