20231021_Moonlight Walk in Central Park

Honoring the Memory of Julie Seltzer Firsty

15th Annual Firsty Family Moonlight Walk

“She believed in the power of research”

It has been 10 years since Julie passed away, but our belief in supporting research efforts gets stronger every year. Julie walked the first few times we did this walk – thus this is now our 15th year doing this. 

To honor those 10 years since her passing, we are raising the game and the Firsty and extended Seltzer families are sponsoring a NETRF Mentored Research Award in her name focused on understanding and treatment of lung NETs (which is what she had).

This award funds a multi-year research project led by an early-career scientist. All the money we raise over the next 2 years supports this effort

This past September when we usually do the walk, Susan and I were traveling in Alaska, Shay and Alana were both studying (and having fun) at their respective universities in Southern California, and a last minute work trip for me to Texas made doing the walk in Palo Alto not possible, so…over Thanksgiving week, we all will be in Florida which gives us a chance to:

  1. See Julie’s parents and
  2. Do the walk on the beach…and the beach was certainly one of Julie’s favorite places.

Julie went above and beyond, partaking in numerous research trials. We will do no less to help NETRF find a cure. Our goal this year is to reach $35,000..and with some fundraising in advance, we are almost there. With your help we can surpass that goal and really make some serious research inroads.

Please join the NETRF in honoring the memory of Julie by supporting our 2024 Moonlight Walk.


Please join the NETRF in honoring the memory of Julie by supporting the 2024 Moonlight Walk.

Many Thanks to all 2024 Moonlight Supporters!
Dana Romalis and Josh Berkenwald, Deborah and Wayne Zuckerman, Harriet and Bart Schneiderman, Carol Abrams and Steve Orlovitz, Lynn Osband and Steve Dick, Julie Southern, Jonathan and Cara Baker, The Myers Family, Jess Marino, Chip Hardt, Charles Goldberg, Brian Harris, Marla Barto, Karen Zaritsky, Jerome and Ruth Firsty, Jerry Renna, Kathryn Meeks, Pam Reidinger, Shari and Seth Diamond, Laura Winston and Larry Fine, Kristin Welter, and The Firsty Family.